Cloud Architecture and Automation

Our approach to cloud automation and architecture is all about making it easy for you to become a cloud provider. We deliver our cloud services on a fully managed cloud delivery platform, our Managed Cloud Platform (MCP). Hosted within Ashiatech or your data Centre, our MCP comprises:

  • Cloud infrastructure: servers, storage, networking, virtualization and operating system software
  • A cloud management system, Cloud Control, that provides operational control and automation of cloud resource provisioning, orchestration, administration, and billing
  • Accessing the MCP is simple, either via a web-based user interface or REST-based application programmable interface. What's more, integrating the cloud platform with third-party cloud or enterprise system management software is straightforward. We support usage scenarios for:

  • Testing and Development
  • Single Enterprise Workloads
  • Legacy Application Migration
  • IT-as-a-Service.